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Rabu, 16 Desember 2015

repair / restore private key on a microsoft server with certutil

  1. Log into the server with an administrative account. Choose Start and choose Run…
  2. In the box type in mmc and click ok.
  3. In the MMC go to File –> Add / Remove Snap-in…
  4. Click the Add button and choose certificates and click Add.
  5. Select Computer Account then Local Computer and Finish.
  6. Close the snap in Window and click OK.
  7. Navigate to the location of the certificate you need to repair.
  8. For a certificate you installed the default location will be Personal –> Certificates.
  9. Double click on the certificate in the right hand pane.
  10. In the general information: note that if you have a private key already associated you will see a private key information bit at the bottom of the details (just above the issuer statement).
  11. Click on the Details tab.

In the Details window, select Serial Number. Write down the serial number for the certificate that you wish to repair.

Open a command prompt (start –> Run –> CMD –>OK).From the command prompt run:
certutil -repairstore my “SerialNumber”

Where SerialNumber is the serial number for the certificate that you just wrote down.
Hit enter and you should receive a message stating the repair was successful.

Thank you.


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Rabu, 10 April 2013

Deleting SCVM Temporary Template

Ran into this issue today where I could not delete a VHD from my library as I had a series of items that were dependent on the VHD. In my case, I had two issues, the first being that the VHD was listed in a Temporary Template. I resolved the template issue by entering the following command from Powershell on the SCVMM server:
Get-SCVMTemplate | where {$_.Name -like "Temporary*"} | Remove-SCVMTemplate
The second issue will be identified by the following error when you attempt to delete the VHD:
The library object (VHDNAME) cannot be removed because following objects are dependent on it:
Virtual Hard Disk deployment configuration
The second issue was solved by opening up SQL Management Studio and editing the "tbl_WLC_VHDConfig" table within SCVMM's database. Specifically, delete any row that has the "SourceLocation" column populated with the ID of the VHD in question. At this point you should now be able to go back into the SCVMM console and delete the offending VHD.
Per Microsoft, this issue has been resolved in the RTM version of the product:
Unfortunately I didn't take any screenshots of this process and the specific details as to the errors are now lost. However, I'll post this up in the hopes that it will get someone started should they run into this issue.

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Rabu, 03 April 2013

Login failed for user WebsitePanel

Error: Login failed for user WebsitePanel

One of our VPS customers recently receiving following error while browsing WebsitePanel of his VPS:
Login failed for user 'WebsitePanel'

If you are receiving the same error then kindly follow the below mentioned steps to fix it:
  1. Open the EnterpriseServer path for WebsitePanel installation (eg: C:\WebsitePanel\Enterprise Server).
  2. Open web.config file. You should see something similar to this:
  3. Copy the password from this file and reset it for WebsitePanel username in SQL Server 2008 Express Edition.
  4. Follow the below mentioned steps to reset the password of WebsitePanel username in SQL Server 2008 Express Edition:
    1. Login to SQL Server 2008 via SQL Server Management Studio using “sa” username
    2. Expand the Security option
    3. Expand the Logins option
    4. Right click on WebsitePanel username
    5. Provide the new password in Password field and specify the same password in Confirm password field
    6. Uncheck the option Enforce Password Policy
    7. Click on OK button.

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Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

How to install .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows Server 2012

I am currently working on a project of installing System Center Configuration Manager 2012 on a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure. Yesterday, I ran in to a problem when trying to install SQL Server 2008 R2. The problem was that the .NET Framework 3.5 was a requirement, and I was unable to install it from the Server Manager.
This is the problem I ran in to when trying to add the feature:
“Do you want to specify an alternate source path? One or more installation selections are missing source files…”
Bug when adding .net framework 3.5 in Server 2012
Apparently, there’s a bug in Windows Server 2012 when trying to add the .NET Framework 3.5 from Server Manager. In order to get it to work, I had to enable the feature via the Command Prompt.
This is the command that I had to type:
dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /all /Source:d:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess
Note: Source should be the Windows installation disc. In my case, this was located on D:
Bug when adding .net framework 3.5 in Server 2012
After running this command, .NET Framework 3.5 was enabled and I was able to install SQL Server 2008 R2 :)
.NET Framework 3.5 feature installed on Windows Server 2012

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Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Exchange 2010 SP1 Multi-Tenant Step by Step installation (Hosted Mode)

What is Multi-Tenant installation,

With Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1 built-in multi-tenant support, service providers that use Service Provider Licensing Agreement (SPLA) no longer need a solution like Hosted Messaging and Collaboration (HMC) to host multiple organizations. Multi-tenant support provides the core feature-set of Exchange Server in a manner that can be deployed to multiple customers in a single installation, and provides ease of management and flexibility of provided features to end-users.
The multi-tenant solution available for Exchange 2010 SP1 includes most of the features and functionality available in Exchange 2010 SP1 Enterprise deployments, but also includes features and functionality that will allow you to create and manage tenant organizations.
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1 will form part of the suite of multi-tenant capable products that will replace the Hosted Messaging and Collaboration 4.5 solution.
clip_image001What’s not available in Exchange 2010 SP1 Hosting Mode L
Exchange 2010 SP1 doesn’t support the following features in Hosting mode:
  • Exchange Management Console
  • Public Folders
  • Unified Messaging Server role
  • Edge Transport Server role
  • GalSync 2007
  • Active Directory Federated Services
  • Business-to-Business features such as cross-premises message tracking and calendar sharing
  • IRM
  • Outlook 2003 support (EnableLegacyOutlook)
  • Same forest upgrade from Exchange 2007
  • Resource forest
  • Parent-child domains
  • Discontiguous namespace
  • Disjoint namespace
1. Download and install the Microsoft Office 2010 Filter Pack 2
2. Start the command prompt with Administrator privileges and navigate to the Installation Folder > Scripts and run the following command servermanagercmd /ip exchange-all.xml
3. Once finished, go to Services and change the Net.TCP Port Sharing Service startup type to Automatic
4. Now back in the command prompt with Administrator privileges, go inside the Setup Files Folder, and run the following command /m:install /r:M,C,H,T /OrganizationName: /HostingThis will install Exchange Server 2010 SP1 in Hosting Mode.

WebsitePanel Implementation for Exchange Server Hosting Mode

In order to integrate Exchange Server with WebsitePanel, you need to install the WebsitePanel Server component on the Server with Exchange Server 2010 SP1 running. Refer to the WebsitePanel Implementation document on how to install WSP Server component.
1. Once the WSP Server is installed, head back to the WSP Portal and login under the serveradmin account.
2. On the Home Page, create a customer that will be using the Exchange in Hosted mode.
3. On the Home Page, go to Configuration > Servers and click on the Add Server button.
4. Now, add provide the required information where the Server URL/Port should be the URL/Port of the Server with Exchange Server 2010 SP1. Check the Search installed software option. Then click Add Server button to create the New Server.
5. Once the Server is added, click on the new server and provide the necessary details to the following components.
a. Connection Settings
b. Active Directory Settings
i. Set Security Mode to Create AD Accounts
ii. Set Authentication Mode to None
Save the changes before proceeding.
6. On the Servers Properties Page, go to Services > Exchange Hosting Mode section and click Add.
7. Enter a Service Name, and select the Service Provider to Exchange Server 2010 SP1. Click Add Service.
8. Next on the Exchange Hosting Mode Service Properties Page, provide a
a. Name – HostingSample, 2
b. Set an Organization Template and provide a Program ID and an Offer ID.
Save Changes.
9. Now the Hosting Service will be created on the specified server.
10. Go back to the Home Page, go to Hosting Plans and click on the Create Hosting Plan button. clip_image030
11. On the Edit Hosting Plan page, Name the Plan, and provide the Plan Target. Select the required services and assign the Quotas for them as required. (System, Exchange Hosting Mode)
12. Go to Account Menu > Spaces and click on the Create Hosting Space button.
13. On the Create Hosting Space page, provide the required fields as required.
14. After hosting space is created, click Hosting Space link to access it and see left menu for available services there.
15. Click on Exchange Hosting Mode menu item and Create New Exchange 2010 Organization page will open.
16. On the Create Organization page, Provide the Organization name (domain name) and the Administrator fields required. These administrator fields will be used to login to the Exchange Server Mailbox and for Managing purposes of the other settings inside the organization. Once done, click on Create Organization button.
17. You can check the newly created organization inside the ADUC > Microsoft Exchange Hosted Organizations OU.
All the organization groups, Users and other Sub OUs will be created under this main OU.
18. The customer can then access this by logging into the WSP Portal using his account and on the Home page he will be able to view the existing Hosting Space or He can create his own
New Hosting Space.
19. To access the mailbox and to modify the Organization Settings and other Exchange Server settings, the administrator can use the OWA or the Outlook 2010 using the administrator account of that specific organization.
20. Once logged in, the Administrator can Create New mailboxes, Distribution Groups, Add Roles and Auditing Settings, Control Mail and even configure Phone and Voice options.

Updating Quotas

The Administrator or the Reseller can update Quotas by clicking on Account Home > Hosting Plans and selecting the Hosting Plan to edit.

Changing Service Plan

Server admin has the option to change service plan for an organization. Administrator will click on Change Service Plan button (this is not available to reseller or user) on Exchange Hosting Mode screen. Update Organization Service Plan screen will be displayed.

Deleting Organization

The Administrator, Reseller or a User can delete an Organization by going to the Exchange Server Hosting Mode page and to delete organization, check the checkbox and click on the Delete button. Organization will be deleted with all its resources.


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Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

How-to : Adding SNMP to Windows Server 2008 R2

As a part of preparation for monitoring our WIndows Server 2008 R2 using SNMP and Nagios we had to add SNMP Services to few systems which didn’t have it yet. So, based on that fact I thought it might be nice to capture all steps involved in adding SNMP to Windows Server machine. Here you can see steps, screenshots and short description how to achieve that.

Start Server Manager and go to Features and then click Add Feature

After Add Features Wizard will appear on the screen locate SNMP Services section and add this feature to installation list by ticking checkboxes next to appropriate services on the list as shown on screen below. Then click Next to proceed.

Summary screen will show what services will be installed. Click Install to proceed with installation.

Installation progress will appear once server will be adding desired features to system configuration.

Once additional components will be installed, summary windows will show what features were installed and if installation was successful. Click Close to to finalize Add Feature Wizard.

Now in Server Manager in Features section you can see that SNMP Services are listed as installed components.

It’s time to configure SNMP for serving information to monitoring system, which in our case is Nagios. In order to set parameters on SNMP go to Start / Administrative Tools / Services and then locate SNMP Service on the list. Double click on it.

In SNMP Service Properties (Local Computer) window go to Security tab.
This is place where we can define parameters of SNMP Service:
  • Community string – unique keyword which will be presented by monitoring system when accessing information on server via SNMP
  • IP address of monitoring system – to narrow down computers which can poll information remotely from server

When you click Add in Accepted community names section you can enter Community Name and define Community rights. For us READ ONLY is required as we want to poll information from server only.

Available rights for community strings:
  • NONE: Prevents this host from processing any SNMP requests.
  • NOTIFY: Allows this host to send only SNMP traps to the community.
  • READ ONLY: Prevents this host from processing SNMP SET requests. SNMP managed objects have default values specified by the agent. Some applications may request to modify these values with the SNMP SET command.
  • READ WRITE: Allows this host to process SNMP SET requests.
  • READ CREATE: Allows this host to create new entries in the SNMP tables.
NOTE: Make sure that Community Name parameter will NOT be any easy dictionary word. Think of it as a password to protect access to information about system.
Once Community Name is define click Add in Accept SNMP packets from these hosts. That will allow you to add IP address of the server with monitoring system, which is Nagios in our case. It is highly recommended to narrow down list of IP addresses from which SNMP communication can be received by the server for security reasons.

IP address on the screenshot above is example IP address and you should replace it with IP of your monitoring system.
Once all parameters are configured you can see them in SNMP Service Properties (Local Computer) dialog windows and if everything is fine and according to expectations click OK to approve changes and apply those to SNMP Service.

From now on you can poll information using SNMP from certain IP addresses using Community Strings defined in SNMP Service configuration

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